Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Long Time Coming...

A few MONTHS have passed, and lots has happened that you probably have already heard. This summer i took a summer class, Learning, Cognitive and Assessment that i went to every morning for 5 weeks. It actually really wasn't that bad taking a summer course as i had thought it would be. I ended up getting an A- in the class so i was really happy with that! Besides taking class i work for Berkshire Home Solutions. Pretty much we hope for hail. However it hailed 3 times while i was on vacation last week in the cities (which we called would happen) and all the other roofing companies were out minutes after it passed, making this week very frusterating for us to find places to go and people who aren't annoyed by people coming to their doors already. The job is tough considering were paid only on commission, but our bosses are the coolest people ever and are the reason i probably haven't quit. I am also looking for another job to do as well as this one, now that class is done. I am starting off the week struggling to get back to reality after a nice long week at the cabin up north. It went way too fast. But was really nice to hang out with family and friends from up north and mostly get away from the cities. My hopes are to work up there for the summer next year, i wish, but maybe! On the side of working and class i am the captain of Team SuperValu; an intramural Softball team through the U of M. We play double Headers tuesdays. Its a good time and have some team bonding after words for a drink at the local campus bars. Today is also my wonderful Parents 30th Wedding Anniversary. I am very thankful to have them as my parents. They have done SO much for me and i couldn't do it without them. They raised 4 beautiful great girls! LOVE YOU BOTH VERY MUCH!!

Family Pic @ Katies Wedding...

Some of my friends(also all worked at Camp Last summer) @ B. Loco

Riverside Days-Class of 06 represent

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